Bookish Things, Reflections

Sips with Sophie: Writing from Rest


It seems like an impossible achievement, but even God rested after six full days of creating the universe and everything in it.

Last week, I attended a zoom session hosted by CWI and led by Megan Brown on writing from rest. What a busy lady she is. She leads a global ministry for military wives, has a husband and family, writes and is a writing agent plus a lot more.

I think my planner cried a little while I tuned in to hear her story. While some of us thrive on filling our calendars and to-do lists until they burst at the seams, others do well to just check off a couple of items every day.

Personally, I’m a bit of both. I like to have activities to do and my calendar filled. It literally looks good on paper, right? But I also barely check off my top 3 items each day. In between all the things, there is life. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the dogs and my household all create little interruptions throughout the day. I’m lucky if I can get an hour of uninterrupted writing!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Megan had some great points. She explained observing a Sabbath vs taking a sabbatical. For example, taking a day out of the week to rest with a devotional and prayer vs scheduled time off like a vacation away from writing. And writing from rest does not mean being a lazy writer. It means when you give your mind and writing a break, you will be able to tackle it with a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

After listening to her speak, I’ve decided to start with a half-day during the week of getting away even if that means going out on my deck and reading or staring into the trees! I’ve already started to go for a walk after lunch by myself (no dogs in tow) and listen to a podcast.

What are you doing to write from rest? Let me know if you have any other great tips to share!

Why not “rest” and refresh with a clean romance? There is just ONE DAY LEFT of this sweet romance promo! Click on the image below and snag one of these clean reads, including my ebook, The Duke’s Last Word!

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